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Stemgenis™ - 1 fl oz

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Stemegenis™ Formula is designed to regenerate active stem cells from the agedependent condition called "stem cell exhaustion," reversing it. It contains phytotherapeutic extracts of Garcinia indica, Astragalus membracanus and Cinnamomum verum. This formula is a synergistic herbal analog providing regenerative support for Stem Cell functionality.

Stem Cell Exhaustion: As we age, our stem cells eventually lose their ability to divide. We are unable to replace the stem cells that have differentiated or died. The decrease in the renewal of stem cells leads to age-related disorders. “Stem Cell Exhaustion” is a consequence of DNA damage, senescence, and other factors. Stem cells can reveal ways that tissues interact during aging and possibly redirect the fate of aging tissues.

Stem cells are precursor biological cells that have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into multiple mature cells. Stem cells divide into two major categories, i.e., embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Metabolic signaling also affects stem cells, as do signals from the microbiome. The discovery of Toll-like receptors on intestinal stem cells points to an insight that our aging is determined not only by what we eat and breathe, but also the bacteria we carry. The prevalent theories of tissue decline in aging focused on cumulative cell intrinsic changes such as: telomere attrition, DNA damage, oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction. Organ stem cells age extrinsically and maintain youth that could be due to the state of quiescence, which is default for most if not all postnatal stem cells. Stem cell regenerative capacity persists throughout life, but the biochemical cues regulating organ stem cells change with age in ways that preclude productive regenerative responses. This causes the abandonment of tissue maintenance and repair in the old cells. Experimental re-calibration of specific bio-chemical cues will quickly rescue the effective regenerative capacity of old stem cells in vivo, demonstrating that old stem cells can maintain old organs.

Ingredients: Garcinia indica, Astragalus membracanus, and Cinnamomum verum.

1 dropper full or 1 ml per dose.

Consult your physician before taking any Extended Longevity, Inc. products.

Your physician should be aware of all medical conditions you may have, as well as medications and supplements you are taking.

If you are on diuretics or diabetes medication, have liver or gallbladder disease, take medications, or have other health concerns, please proceed only under a doctor’s supervision.